Equal pay for women dismissed by the Indiana Legislature

This may not come as a surprise, but it is most certainly a disappointment for Hoosier women. Women in Indiana are making only 74% of what their male counterparts do. Yet somehow, our legislature does not see this as a critical issue. Equal pay for equal work has been federal law for more than 50 years, but Indiana still lags behind all but 5 other states.

Women in Indiana expect better than this.

If other states have narrowed their gap, why is this not a priority in Indiana? Why do Hoosier women have to work well into April of this year to make what their male counterparts did before January? Our representatives should have made this a priority in 2018. Hoosier women want equal pay for equal work. Indiana should hold employers accountable for paying women the same they pay men in comparable jobs with comparable expertise.

Women expected their legislators to take action. Indiana has to do better this.


-Equality Pay$ Coalition of Indiana