What you can and cannot wear to the Polls!

As the 2020 presidential election approaches, you may be asking yourself, "what can I wear to the poll?” According to Indiana law, electioneering is prohibited at polling locations. Electioneering is defined as “expressing support or opposition to any candidate or political party or expressing approval or disapproval of a public question in any manner that could reasonably be expected to convey that support or opposition to another individual,” according to wlwt.com. Here is your guide to the do's and don'ts of what to wear to the voting polls.

What you can wear:

  • a political statement as long as it’s not associated with a candidate

What you can’t wear:

  • Wear anything with the name, picture, or likeness of any current or hopeful elected official

  • Wear anything with the name of any political party

It is a Class A misdemeanor for any person to knowingly engage in electioneering within the polls or within the chute, according to the Indiana election manual. If you show up to the polls wearing clothing deemed against the law, poll workers may ask you to change, turn your shirt inside out, or cover the words or pictures up before entering. However, it is not necessary to remove an item if covering it will conceal the likeness. Happy voting!