In 2016 we identified a serious crisis in the breakdown of civility across the aisle in the wake of the presidential campaign. Four years ago we saw a vision to galvanize women of all identities; to advocate for their right to be seated at the table in the space of political, civic, cultural, and corporate leadership.

That vision remains increasingly relevant today. As we embark on the 2020 general election, we continue to push for women’s rights on our legislature’s docket and encourage Hoosiers to advocate for the issues they care about.

 The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment, a substantial milestone in the long fight for women’s constitutional right to vote. We must take this opportunity to reflect upon and commemorate this achievement of democracy, while continuing to remind ourselves of the parallels in today’s issues of equal rights.

 The expansion of women’s rights a century ago did not happen overnight.

 By the time the last battle for ratification of the 19th Amendment was over, 72 years had passed since the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, NY, which began the call for women’s enfranchisement and equal voter rights. Women’s advocacy groups put up decades-long fights to increase the role of women in political affairs against anti-suffrage efforts, and made Susan B. Anthony a household name.

 In 1965 the Voting Rights Act was signed into law. This Act outlawed many of the discriminatory practices that restricted Black people from voting.

 Since 1980, women have cast nearly ten million more votes than men in presidential elections. Women across the nation have become a powerhouse in our electoral system and it is imperative to continue this pattern. But among both male and female demographics, voter turnout rates have decreased significantly in recent presidential elections. In the 2016 election, Indiana was ranked as having the 14th worst voter turnout among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. With more than one third of Indiana General Assembly races going unopposed, many Hoosiers can feel that their vote doesn't matter.

 To increase voter turnout this election season, Hoosiers must understand that their vote truly does make a difference. As of October 15, 2020, 530,488 Indiana residents have cast early voting ballots and over 300,000 mail ballots have been returned. It is vital that we continue paving the way for our voices to be heard and embolden each other to advocate for the issues that matter most. Progress for women is progress for all Hoosiers.

 Within Indiana’s advocacy community, our missions vary but we share one common goal: that Hoosiers exercise their civic duty. Voting has not always been a granted right for all Americans, so we must celebrate and utilize the freedom we have. Whether you vote early or on November 3rd, in person or by mail, we encourage each and every one of you to make your voice heard in this year’s presidential election. Your vote matters.

In Solidarity,

Rima Shahid

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Rima Shahid