Women4Change Indiana’s Statement on the Deaths of Dr. Susan Moore and Dr. Chaniece Wallace

This happens too often. We often hear of black medical patients receiving inadequate treatment based on the color of their skin. Indiana has seen two shocking deaths of black, women doctors in the past three months. That is unacceptable.

 Dr. Susan Moore died on December 20th due to Covid-19 complications. Dr. Moore documented her mistreatment and maintained the claim that it was due to the color of her skin. 

 Covid-19 has impacted minority communities in tragic ways. The Brookings Institution analysis shows that black people have died 3.6 times more than white people.

 Dr. Chaniece Wallace died of preeclampsia on October 22nd after delivering her first child. 

 The state of Indiana ranks 4th highest in the United States for the maternal mortality rate. An average of 41.4 women dies out of 100,000 births.

 Indiana must do better when it comes to healthcare for minorities. The stories and statistics are too real to ignore.