Supreme Court Makes Strides in Women's Reproductive Freedom

BREAKING: The Supreme Court has ruled to strike down a Louisiana law designed to cut off access to abortion clinics and providers. 

The law, enacted in 2014, required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. According to the New York Times, only two of the five doctors who currently provide abortions in Louisiana have obtained admitting privileges, one of whom testified that he could not handle the clinic’s work alone. If the law went into effect, there would be only one doctor and clinic, in New Orleans, available to provide abortions in Louisiana. As Justice Breyer noted in the Court’s majority opinion, “The burdens of this increased travel would fall disproportionately on poor women, who are least able to absorb them.”

Women’s reproductive health is one of our legislative priorities at Women4Change. We support a woman’s right to choose the healthcare options and treatment necessary for her, and thus strongly support and celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision.   

Read more about the Court’s decision in this update from the New York Times

Want to speak out for women’s reproductive rights? Support the Women’s Health Protection Act through this OneClick Politics Tool from our partners at the ACLU of Indiana.