Study committee on consent begins September 15

Today, the committee assigned by the Indiana Legislative Council to study the topic of sexual consent will begin. The study will be pivotal for the fight to define consent in Indiana law. 

With our collective efforts at El Tendendro/The Clothesline drew attention to the topic of consent was highlighted and then assigned to a study committee. We received 1,600 postcards from concerned Hoosiers in all 92 counties. We urge you to contact the members of this committee and express your concern with the lack of legally defined consent. 

What actions can you take right now to help?

  • Contact your legislators using our OneClick politics tool. This tool automatically drafts an email to the members of this study demanding that the issue of consent and sexual harassment be made a legislative priority.

  • Learn more about this issue from our partner organization, the Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking, and check out the sources below as you delve deeper into reading.