Women4Change Indiana Issues Statement on the Violence on Capitol Hill

The Women4Change Indiana team is devastated to witness the violence at the U.S. Capitol building today. Congress met to formally count each state’s electoral votes in the 2020 Presidential Election as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. In previous elections, this process would have come and gone without the attention of most voters. Today, this routine step in closing an election season was met with complete and utter disrespect of the law, tradition, and democracy itself. 

Elected officials should reflect the values of their constituents. After working with Hoosiers for the past four years, we can say with absolute certainty that the values shared by most come down to kindness and respect. This violence is unacceptable -- as are the painful words exchanged in the days, hours, and minutes leading up to this outbreak. 

We urge our government officials to meet this moment by condemning this violence in the strongest possible terms. To our W4C members who may feel hopeless: we are here for you. We encourage you to ask your Senators and Representatives to condemn those who are attempting to dismantle the foundation of our democracy. 

Women4Change was born out of a desire to restore civility after an election season of divisive rhetoric. As we reflect on the 2020 election, we are deeply grateful to the hundreds of people who joined us in carrying out our shared vision for democracy. We must never take our democracy for granted. We must always work toward a more perfect union. 

Today, Hoosiers from all backgrounds and political parties are unsettled. Women4Change will continue to advocate for a better, safer future. We will do so together with civility. We call upon our elected officials to do the same. This work is more important than ever.