W4C's "Stop Work Strike" with the Women's March; Fighting to Restore Reproductive Rights in Indiana 2 Years Post-Roe

When the United States SCOTUS struck down Roe v. Wade, June 24th, 2022, Women4Change Indiana did not go down without a fight. Together, with our partners, we gathered over 5,000 Hoosier voices at the Statehouse ahead of Indiana's zero-week abortion ban, to send a clear message to Gov. Holcomb and to Indiana's General Assembly: to keep abortion safe and legal in Indiana. 

In a special session and under the cover of late night on a Friday, Gov. Holcomb signed a zero-week abortion ban for Indiana.

As an organization which advocates for the health, stability, mobility, and safety of Hoosier women, we cannot pretend that all is well, today, 2 years post-Roe. 

Today, June 24th, marks two years since the Dobbs decision and the fall of Roe, which triggered abortion bans across the United States, including Indiana.

Hoosier and American women are, once again, second class citizens. 

Women4Change joins thousands of women and fellow Americans, today, across the United States in solidarity as we confront the chaos, injustice, and the loss of the constitutional right to access to abortion and miscarriage care.

We must fight our way back, which is why went on strike today urge you to participate however you able in: Women4Change and Women’s March’s Day of Action: Stop Work Strike

A “Stop Work Strike” is:

No work.

No school.

No spending

*Except for women-owned businesses.  Even better, invest your money and support into organizations like ours and donate DIRECTLY to female candidates running to restore women’s full reproductive rights. Thank you!

Women4Change Indiana — Donate

We know that in an at-will employment state like Indiana, most women don’t have the luxury of not showing up to work. We, as an organization acknowledge this harsh reality for Hoosier women.

We are asking you to document what would happen in your life if you didn’t show up for work today.

What if women, for one day, simply…stopped?

What if we stopped work, child, and elder caregiving labor?

What would happen to our society if women just stopped doing invisible and unpaid labor all the time, and in perpetuity?

“This society runs on women,” Angie Carr-Klitzsch, CEO of Women 4 Change Indiana, said. “When we en masse stand up, I believe that we’ll be able to really demonstrate that, but for us, (the United States) will not be growing as an economy and we won’t have the essential services, that were highlighted so often during COVID, happening as well.”

Indiana Citizen’s Marilyn Odendahl reached out to Women4Change’s CEO Angie Carr-Klitzsch and Vice President Aimee Robertson-West to underscore importance of connecting to national movements like the Women’s March to help Hoosier women amplify their stories inside and outside Indiana. 

NO SHOW: Hoosier women asked to flex economic muscle by striking on Dobbs ruling’s anniversary - THE INDIANA CITIZEN

We want to know from you, our supporters, what a stop work strike looks like in your lives, and how you or someone close to you has been personally impacted by Indiana’s abortion ban.  

Do you have a story? Share it with us or on your own social media platform @women4changeindiana so we can amplify it.  

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, the number of abortions is increasing (not decreasing).

“New findings from the Monthly Abortion Provision Study show that an estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in the formal health care system in 2023, the first full calendar year after the US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade. This represents a rate of 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age,* and is a 11% increase since 2020.” (Guttmacher Institute, 2024)

What does this mean for women in Indiana? It means that while physicians and abortion providers are banned from providing both clinical and medication abortions in Indiana, those in need of abortion care are accessing legal telehealth medication abortion care from states where abortion is legal.

Why is this a problem for Indiana?

An increase in the number of abortions could mean an even more aggressive response from legislators in states with bans, like Indiana, where state legislators who banned abortion could develop additional legislation restricting telehealth abortion care in the 2025 legislative session, perhaps even calling another special session, as they did when they passed a zero-week abortion ban.  

Women4Change will not stop, and we will continue to fight with our partners and with you, to preserve and restore reproductive rights Indiana.

Celebrating W4C’s Angie Carr Klitzsch’s birthday and fighting to restore reproductive rights in Indiana

"2 years ago, I spent June 24th, (also my birthday) in shock and disbelief, betrayed by my county; wondering how this could happen. No. I am not going to work on June 24th but will be working tirelessly to undo the damage that has been done to Indiana, all year 'round."

Today, in all its duplicity, we celebrate CEO’s Angie Carr-Klitzsch’s birthday, share the importance of this moment, why she’s striking, and enlist your help to keep fighting.

Women4Change Indiana — Donate

Have a story or news to share for Indiana? 

Submit your feedback and stories to W4C’s newsroom: Aimee Robertson-West aimee@women4changeindiana.org