W4C to Host "Civics. Civility. Consensus." Workshop- 8/24
August 19th, 2024
Aimee Robertson-West
Women4Change Indiana
In the face of unparalleled polarization, division, and misinformation, as Hoosiers, we may find ourselves disagreeing on the issues, but our experiences and perceptions are important, and our differences don’t have to divide us.
It’s a challenging time to converse about headlines, the state of national and global affairs, and sometimes in our families and communities, as we navigate differing experiences and perspectives.
Many Hoosiers report the feeling of walking on eggshells to keep the peace and avoid conflict.
But how do we truly connect with others if we cannot openly speak and listen to them about what’s going on in our worlds?
What if there was an alternative to avoiding difficult conversations, and instead, finding common ground?
Women4Change Indiana has developed “Civics, Civility, and Consensus” curricula to help Hoosiers navigate complex and differing views with validation and consensus-seeking strategies that allow for better civil discourse.
Join us Saturday, August 24, from 9-11:30am at St. Paul’s (Indianapolis) Community Resource Center
Learn civil discourse strategies developed by Women4Change Indiana for mastering communication among differing perceptions and opinions.
Workshop facilitated by Kate Appel and Katherine Tyler Scott
Space is limited, please email Katherine Tyler-Scott to join the conversation.
Email: ktylerscott@kithoughtbridge.com
Join a conversation about keeping our civility and remembering our humanity even when it is hard.