IDOE Releases Guidelines for Reopening Schools


On Friday, The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) released new guidelines for reopening school buildings in the fall. The Department’s 38-page report provides recommendations to schools, but does not require schools to implement any of the policy changes. Final decisions are to be made by the schools themselves.

The report follows the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance on a number of public health measures, such as recommending that teachers and students wear face masks. The report encourages school leaders to consider different health and safety protocols, such as social distancing, transportation, and what to do if someone at the school tests positive for COVID-19.

Reopenings across the state will vary. Governor Eric Holcomb believes that all schools should be able to reopen, but that the extent and timing of reopening will not look the same for every school. The reopening possibilities outlined in the report offer school leaders across the state ample time to make final decisions in regard to the upcoming school year.

Below are the report’s main recommendations:

  • Mandating student and staff use of face masks/facial coverings to remain consistent with local and state guidelines. Schools are recommended to provide face masks to students and staff.

  • Closing communal spaces, including playgrounds, cafeterias, and school assemblies. Classes are recommended to be held outside when possible. Desks should be rearranged to keep proper distance between students in the classroom.

  • Maintaining social distancing at school by:

    • Adopting a year-round schedule with alternating breaks to lessen the number of students in the building at one time.

    • Alternating days or half days to minimize the number of students. Remote learning will take place when not at school for in-person learning.

    • Offering both in-person classes and remote learning. This allows parents to make the decision they are most comfortable with.

  • Eliminating the usage of water fountains and classroom visitors in schools.

  • Holding all meals in the classroom, as opposed to a communal cafeteria space, to avoid large groups of people in one place.

  • Requiring that students bring their own supplies and do not share anything. Schools can provide students with extra materials that they may need.

  • Cleaning school buses regularly. Assigned seats should be implemented to maintain social distancing.

  • Designating a separate room/space for all students and staff members to be evaluated when feeling ill.

Each school district now has the ability to determine which, if any, of the guidelines they plan to implement for the Fall 2020 school year. Plans could vary from district to district. It will then be up to parents to decide if they want to send their child(ren) back to school. Schools across the state will reopen in late July/early August.

Want to hear more about how the Department of Education is addressing education during the pandemic? Check out our video on e-learning from Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction!