Updates to IMPD Use-of-Force Policy

First-time reader? Read our post on the recent IMPD officer-involved sexual assault incident to catch up.

IMPD Chief Randal Taylor recently announced that the four IMPD officers involved in Sunday’s incident have been reassigned to support duties and will have no contact with the public while an internal IMPD investigation takes place.

Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett announced on Friday that an update to the Indianapolis Metro Police Department’s use-of-force policy has been drafted. The proposed updates include:

  • Updating requirements for identification and warning before using deadly force

  • Explicitly prohibiting choke holds

  • Adding de-escalation requirements for use-of-force

  • Prohibiting shooting from or into moving vehicles

  • Creating a duty to intervene and report any time an officer inappropriately uses force

  • Reiterating the requirement for comprehensive reporting of lethal and non-lethal uses of force

Exposure is how we hold people accountable. Thank you for sharing, engaging, following, and, most of all, staying updated on these and other issues that continue to affect our state. The strong response to our last post is a testament to how many Hoosiers are willing to recognize—and fight against—instances of injustice and discrimination in our state.

The potential power of your concern and willingness to participate is formidable. We’re already starting to see its effects. The peaceful sit-in that took place downtown on Sunday, led by a group of young Black women, was the largest demonstration that Indianapolis has seen in thirty years.

Because of your activism, our city is making unprecedented changes. We urge you to carry this momentum forward in the coming weeks and months.

What can you do right now to make a change?