Celebrate Six Years With Us!

By: Lilly Thumm

Civility is at the core of Women4Change; it drives our direction as a group and is at the center of our inception. Our founders, Rabbi Sandy Sasso and Jennifer Nelson-Williams, saw firsthand what a lack of civility can do to people during the heated 2016 presidential campaign. They held strong to the idea that "change starts with us" and had their first meeting with over 800 attendees. The meeting's successful turnout inspired them to take formal steps to develop what is now Women4Change.

This was six years ago on November 17, 2016, and we have since taken strides to create positive change in Indiana's legislature. This is something we have been able to accomplish thanks to the support of donors and volunteers, as well as the dedication of our staff and board of directors.

When asked what kind of impact she has seen Women4Change have, Rabbi Sandy Sasso, co-founder of Women4Change, says

Women4Change Indiana has made an impact on the state of women far beyond its years. From empowering and educating women to use their voice to advocate for change, to its Get Out the Vote initiative, to its accomplishments in the State legislature, the organization has made a measurable difference in women’s lives. Our recent filing of an amicus brief with the Supreme Court on drawing of representative state districts is crucial to the future of our democracy. Women4Change remains ever vigilant and visionary.

This visionary attribute can be seen in the organization’s CEO, Rima Shahid, who says, “Women4Change gives me hope. It shows me what Indiana could be if women, girls, and other folks had access to the same rights and opportunities as men. Women4Change is also an investment for an equitable present and future.”

As for how Women4Change has impacted shaping an equitable present and future, Shahid had plenty to share. While she acknowledged the difficulty in recognizing every accomplishment, she did point out the many times she has seen a great impact made, “from taking young folks into the statehouse for the first time, to having 500 plus Get Out the Vote volunteers, to the number of folks that attend our civic education programs, to our broad education efforts, to the women that decide to run or get involved because of Women4Change; our impact is broad and long lasting." 

These broad and long-lasting impacts are something Women4Change is especially proud of. Over the past six years, every decision has been made with Hoosier women in mind, and Shahid reflects on the efforts that have been made. She says, “most certainly, I am very proud of our advocacy at the Statehouse, which has assisted in the passage of at least six bills in the Indiana General Assembly. I am also extremely proud of our intentional efforts to be more inclusive. Representation is so important, and I'm so proud that our board and staff prioritize outreach and engagement of diverse audiences.”

Multi colored purple ballons going up the side of the image in a light to dark gradient with a quote of "our impact is broad and long lasting" by Rima Shahid
Multi colored purple ballons going up the side of the image in a light to dark gradient with a quote of "Women4Change Indiana has made an impact on the state of women far beyond its years" by Sandy Sasso