Get to know me…

Rabi Sandy Sasso

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where I lived until I graduated Rabbinical School.

Where did you attend school?

I received a B.A. and M.A. at Temple University in Philadelphia. I was the first woman ordained as a rabbi at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia and my husband, Dennis, and I are the first practicing rabbinical couple in world Jewish history. I received a Doctor of Ministry at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis.

What keeps you in Indiana?

I moved to Indiana in 1977 when my husband and I were called to serve Congregation Beth-El Zedeck. This is where we raised a family, became active in the religious and civic community. We now consider ourselves Hoosiers.

When did your interest in advocacy start?

Since I can remember.

What drew you towards women4change?

After the election in 2016, Jennifer Williams and I knew we needed to do something. We put together a panel who could address the fears and concerns women were feeling at the time. We announced the event on social media. We expected 50 friends to come. Nine hundred women showed up. That was the beginning of Women4Change. I remain deeply grateful for the many extraordinary women who are making a difference for women in our state.

What are some causes you really stand behind right now?

Reproductive Health, Racial Equality, Women’s Political Leadership, and Religious Freedom.

What are some things you do outside of being on the Board at women4change?

I am Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, Director of the Religion, Spirituality, and Arts Initiative at IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute, and a prolific author of over 25 books for children.

Is there something interesting that you would like people to know about you?

My husband and I were on two game shows - To Tell the Truth and What’s My Line!